My East European Discrimination Case
and how Citi denied everything
The website www.BulgariansAtTheGate.co.uk is dedicated to my discrimination case against Citigroup, the decision of the senior management of the bank to deny everything and my unsuccessful attempts to find justice in the UK Employment Tribunals.
I hope that the web site will:
- Give easy online access to public court documents regarding one of the very few East European discrimination cases in UK in recent years and one of the very many employment cases against the senior management of Citi London.
- Become a useful reference tool to everyone who is following the case and to other Litigants in Person.
- Provide useful information to and empower other East Europeans, who are suffering discrimination and hate crimes, to defend their rights in the UK courts of law. ​
I was employed by Citi between 2006 and 2013 in their Corporate and Investment Banking division and held various positions in their office in Bulgaria before moving to London in 2010, where I was most recently a Vice President in the EMEA Transaction Execution Group.
Following my move to London in July, 2010, I suffered a never-ending discriminatory harassment and discrimination campaign on the basis of my Eastern European origin orchestrated by managers and supported by the team. Despite my numerous requests for help to my managers and the team, nothing every changed and their hostility only ever got worse.
A complete account of the events is outlined in Timeline of Events.
In November and December 2014, I was contacted by Citi Investigation Unit and invited to a meeting in Citi’s offices. In the meeting I was questioned for 1 hour and 20 minutes about the conduct of my managers. Meanwhile, Citi’s HR department issued an internal written warning in the form of an e-mail advising my colleagues not to communicate with me and also installed a firewall blocking my e-mails to everyone in Citigroup globally.
In January 2015, I was left with no other choice but to start my legal case against Citi.
Case History
Case History
- The web site provides access to various court documents from the long history of the case. I hope that this disclosure will be helpful to other Litigants In Person, who are navigating the complex and frustrating task of managing a court case with limited resources and lack of professional legal help.
- Specifically, documents in the 'Discrimination Case Court Documents' section of the web site provide information on the history of my discrimination case, while documents in the 'Cover Up' section are about my unsuccessful attempts to obtain full disclosure of Citi's internal investigation and my whistleblowing claim.
- If you need further information about the case, feel free to get in touch with me (contacts below).
Twitter: @MechkarovGeorgi
Mobile: 0759 764 2866
google-site-verification: googleeab3417250965575.html
Mechkarov v Citibank, N.A.